Antler Records, Inc. New York
Small label founded in 1957 & owned by Buck Ram.
Big in Music Business all his life he arranged Big-Bands, worked as a songwriter, producer and later managed The Platters, brought them to Mercury and composed and arranged their big hits like "Only You"(where Buck played the Piano), "The Great Pretender", "The Magic Touch", and other.He also managed, produced or arranged The Drifters, The Flares, The Cadillacs, Ike and Tina Turner and much more.He always played at the top field.
As i said above Ram started up his own label ANTLER RECORDS where some of us well known fella recorded for.
To highlight is the king of "spontaneous" promo shots himself : Benny Joy !
I don't know much about Ram's other Label BUCK RAM PRESENTS which possibly run at the same time.He also run one more label called "Personality Records".(please tell me more if you know)
Benny Joy "Crash The Party" Antler 45-4011 (1958)
Benny Joy "Crash The Party" alt. Version (unreleased)
Benny Joy "Little Red Book" Antler 45-4011 (1958)
Benny Joy "Ittie Bittie Everything" Buck Ram Presents BRP1000-1
Big John Taylor / Benny Joy "Money Money" Buck Ram Presents BRP1000-1
Furthermore to spot is The New Blockbusters rocker "Rock & Roll Guitar, Part 1" and "Rock & Roll Guitar, Part 2" on the flipside at the Antler release 45-4001.

Vocal and Drums on the Part1 and Part2 side is Bill Peck. As a session drummer he played for Benny Joy! on Tri-Dec, Andy Starr on, Gene Watson recordings, Mac Curtis, Lew Williams gems for the Imperial Label,Sid King's records, and Werly Fairburn.He's presented on all this fantastic rockabilly recordings.Wow!
Guitar- Paul Buskirk, Piano - Mike Savas.
Now you may say, what the hell he hit-strike-smash or beated on the Antler Part1&2 sides?!? Is it his last empty beer can or a stolen hubecap or what? Peck recalled that the session took place in the Commercial Recording Corp. Studio Dallas.The Studio was an forsaken church with an auditorium below.The record was scheduled without any drum kit.And when Buck Ram went outside to get the right sound he came back with a garbage can lid and thrust into my hand.."You play this...".
So Bill Peck played the "drum"-lid and sang at once.If Bill had played a proper drum that time then "Rock & Roll Guita r"Part1+Part2 would be much more a killer tune i think.
Anyway it is worth a listen of course!
You also watch to "their" performance at the Rock'n'Roll flick "Rock All Night" where "they" perform Part1 and Part2 (Part 2 undercut with acting). Important fact is that the Blockbusters you see perfoming the "Rock & Roll Guitar"Part1+2 is NOT the same you will hear.
Bill Peck and his buddies did the record session for Antler and Buck Ram used the recordings for the performance of the "Blockbusters" in Rock All Night.Bill never saw any of those Blockbusters which appearing in th e movie.
I don't know who the combo is you see acting on stage.Maybe these are the original Blockbusters.Buck Ram used the name Bluckbusters serveral times to different groups he produced.
What's more to say?Bill Peck recorded one more song called "Alligator With Blues Suede Shoes".When you hear it you will agree that this unissued track is recorded probably in the same studio as "Rock & Roll Guitar". Peck or someone else beats the garbage can lid again.
Go for it!!
The New Blockbusters "Rock & Roll Guitar Part 1" Antler 45-4001
The New Blockbusters "Rock & Roll Guitar Part 2" Antler 45-4001
Bill Peck "Alligator With Blue Suede Shoes" unissued - recorded at Buck Ram's Studio?
For a deeper insight about founding Ram's Antler Records you may read this article from the Billboard Magazine 1958,Dezember.
Ram-Merc Team On New Label
HOLLYWOOD—A new label will be launched here in January to be owned jointly by Buck Ram and Mercury Records. It will be independent of the Mercury operation. Mercury, however, will be exclusive distributor for the still unnamed line. Deals were concluded in Las Vegas between Ram and Mercury president Irving Green.
New firm will follow a releasing schedule of four singles per month, will be active in the package field and plans to cover all categories with the exception of classics music.
Label's talent signed to date includes Ann Weldon and Johnny Olson and the Blockbusters. Contracts are written in the name of Antler Records. Ram's earlier disk firm prior to the Mercury deal. New firm's name was to have been Ambassador Records, but this tag had been used earlier by Freddy Martin and can't be cleared. Name and additional artists will be disclosed before the year's end.
Other Ram enterprises include Personality Productions, the management firm; several music publishing firms here and abroad, AMC (ASCAP), Argo (BMI), California, Music of Italy; Buck Ram, Ltd.,London plus firms in South America.
Ram's Antler Label stuck up in the early sixties but he always stayed in music business until his death in Januar, 1st in 1991.
Benny's recordings for Antler
New Blockbusters for Antler+Bill Peck's "Alligator"
no pw
If any of you have a photo of Bill Peck aka William Francis Pecchi?
Would be great to insert some in my post...tttthanks!
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