Last Vinyl Edition of this phenomenal series! 20 cuts by The Jet-Tones, Gary Shelton, Ronnie Pearson, Donnie Dean, Tommy Todd and mo'!

01 - Thunderbirds - Flying Saucers Rock & Roll
02 - T.K.Hulin - Baby Be My steady
03 - Tommy Tod - Tag Along
04 - Johnny Laury - Lotta Lovin
05 - Donnie Dean - Frankie And Johnnie
06 - Cavaliers - I Wanna Dance
07 - The Broughams - Baby You Just Wait
08 - Gary Shelton - The Trance
09 - Clayton Watson - Everybody's Boppin
10 - The Blue Tempos - Rock & Roll Rhythm
1 - Mackey Beers - Lorie Lee
2 - Don Philips - Milk Shake Mademoiselle
3 - Catalanas - Why Oh why
4 - Johnny & The Joys - Baby Do
5 - Ebe Sneezer - That's All I`ve Got
6 - Johnny Nance - A Bashful Sorta Guy
7 - Ulysess L. Baxter - Mother Congratulate Your Son
8 - Jet Tones - Henry
9 - Ronnie Pearson - Flippin Over You
10 - R. Dean Taylor - At The High School Dance
Sneak in with
Donnie Dean "Frankie And Johnny"
Great one of this Classic Tune! Issued on Drift 1451 in the year of 1959.Check out the flipside of this 45!
See my post "Donnie Dean" to hear the "Ruby Lee" Cut.
Gary Shelton "The Trance"

Look out for post from Januar/30 !
The Jet Tones "Henry"

On this Volume65 you will find the PLAID track only. But here you can get the rare PIX cut, too! That's why you're on Mean Gene's Bull Session, right?!
The Jet Tones "Henry" Plaid PL-102 (on Volume65)
The Jet-Tones "Henry" Pix 1102
Dig the Flipside "Twangy" too! Great Instro!
The Jet Tones "Twangy" Pix & Plaid
The Broughams "Baby You Just Wait"

Those Teens formed a High School Band called "The Broughams" and recorded this little rocker "Baby You Just Wait!" in their High-School Studio. Then they sent some bucks to Pentagon Records for 300 copies to be pressed. Released in '57 on Pentagon 6935.
Plain & Simple, isn't? But the 45 didn't go well. Cause of the bad sound and vinyl quality most copies were thrown away or sold to friends. Only a few survived. That makes the Pentagon 45 a super rare one.
On Bison Bop Volume65 you will find this ultra rare Pentagon release.
But the Story goes on. One year later they convinced the Boston based Label INDIGO to record "Baby You Just Wait" again. They agreed. Indigo owners changed their Band name from "The Broughams" to "The Spirals" and issued the wax in 1958 under Indigo 500! Better sound quality, great drums and good breaks. In short, a koooool rocka! On Gene's you will find this later Indigo Release of course!
Here we go fellas:
The Broughams "Baby You Just Wait" early Pentagon release (Bison Volume65)
The Spirals "Baby You Just Wait" (early the broughams) Indigo issue
The Broughams Photo by Bob Dent